4 min readApr 10, 2022


What’s up Cyborgs?
We are so excited to finally introduce new features to you next week that we’ve been working on lately. But before that, here’s a little preview of what to expect with CyborgSwap in April.


The brand new CyborgSwap Bank will officially open on Monday 4/11/22 8PM UTC. At the start, you will be able to deposit your CBOs in three different safes to earn either CRO, USDC or BTC. This is the first feature of the CS BANK: deposit CBO to earn a major token of the Cronos ecosystem. This is the first step for our Bank and we have many more features that will be released for it over the coming weeks and months to include:
Locked CBO deposits to earn even more non-native coins.
Crypto loans backed by CBO collateral.
Crypto loans backed by NFT collateral.
Expect our medium article on CyborgSwap bank to be published shortly!


The CyborgSwap Auction House will open by the end of next week. The first NFT auction will be the famous Black Rabbit NFT who will finally unveil himself. The sale will start on Sunday 4/17/22 8PM UTC. The auction system is pretty simple. The first CBO bid will trigger a 12h countdown, and this countdown will reset with each overbid. If by the end of the 12h countdown, no overbid has been placed, the last bid will win the NFT. The following week many more auctions will take place in the CyborgSwap NFTs Auction House. You will be able to bid on several exclusive pieces from the CyborgSwap NFT treasury, and it won’t be just NFTs from our collections, but also a lot of rare pieces from our Cronos NFT partners.


Last month we announced the FMF2 collection by the end of March, early April. This announcement raised a lot of concern in our community and once again, we decided to listen to your concerns and act accordingly. Many of you asked us to delay the mint of the FMF2 collection and so we did. The FMF2 collection will be larger than expected and released in May so everyone can be ready for it. A lot of new features will come with this new NFT collection, and a Medium article will soon detail all about it. But in the meantime, we will release a unique limited collection by the end of April, the Luna Cyborgs.


The Luna Cyborgs NFT collection will be the first of a unique series. All of these NFTs will be backed by cryotocurrencies. It means that you will always be able to trade your Luna Cyborg on CyborgSwap Dex for 1 LUNA. This way, the price of your NFT is guaranteed, not less than the LUNA token! On the other hand, not only the price of this collection might go up on secondary markets, but it will also automatically increase if the LUNA token price goes up. It’s a bet that you actually can’t lose, pretty sweet isn’t it? A Medium article will be published soon to explain all about the collection and its tokenomics. But trust us, this series of Crypto-backed NFTs will be a big novelty on Cronos, and we are really excited about it. Moreover these Luna Cyborgs won’t come alone on CyborgSwap, but they will bring with them a new LUNA/CRO farming pool and a LUNA single staking pool unique on Cronos. Stay tuned for more infos about our upcoming NFT collection.


Last but not least, we will introduce by the end of the month the CyborgSwap Power Token. This CRC-721 token will be used to access exclusive features on our Dex such as our upcoming launchpads, the locked CBO safe of CS BANK, and the crypto loans backed by CBO or NFTs collateral. It will also be used to upgrade your NFTs like the Meta Cyborgs to Ultra Cyborgs! Those Ultra Cyborgs will have even greater boosts on the farming pools but also obviously even better designs.
A few Power Tokens will first be airdropped to our top CBO holders by the end of April and early May and then everyone will be able to deposit CBO in the upcoming CyborgSwap Power Plant to farm it. There will be several CBO staking pools to farm it, locked or not. A lot of CBO will therefore be blocked thus greatly reducing the selling pressure on our coin. The Power Token was designed for this: locking a maximum of CBO by giving access to premium features on our Dex.





NFT-oriented DEX on Cronos Blockchain

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