5 min readJul 13, 2022


Hello Cyborgs and new BNB chain friends! This article will become the beginning of many details on our newest ecosystem endeavor. For those of you on the BNB chain, allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Cyborg Corp. An ecosystem established on the Cronos chain. We specialize in NFT utilities through our Defi platforms. Through our Cronos DEX, CyborgSwap, we provide Liquidity Farming, Pools, Bank Safes, NFT Minting, NFT Staking, NFT Auctions, and Launchpad services and more. However, the highlight of this article is another part of our ecosystem. Our Yield App and StableCoin platform, Cyborg Stables, is coming to BNB as a full DEX platform! This is the first cross-chain endeavor for Cyborg Corp. and with our team members previous experience on BNB, we are excited to be launching there first!

We designed Cyborg Stables as a special platform for bearish conditions. A refuge of sorts from this bleak market. It’s a tough time for everyone and we were looking for ways to allow the community to continue participating even with the StableCoins so many have switched to. The result of our efforts was Cyborg Stables. On BNB, it will be a fully functioning DEX platform with liquidity and trading capabilities and layer farming focused on StableCoins. It will additionally also possess: Bank Safes, NFT Boosting, Vaults, Lotteries, Moon Phase changing NFTs, and Cross-Chain capabilities. Thus, Cyborg Stables will present many options and exciting opportunities to continue earning in crypto through these bearish times!

The launch of our Stables platform on BNB brings its first layer token: The B-18 It will have a max capped supply of 10 million with a 3 month emission schedule. The tokenomics breakdown is as follows:
- 2% (200,000) Presales.
- 1.5% (150,000) Launchpad-Launchpad will be in BUSD.
- 1.5% (150,000) Initial Liquidity.
- 2% (200,000) Marketing.
- 2% (200,000) Development.
- 1% (100,000) Team.
- 90% (9,000,000) Pools, Farms, and Vaults Rewards + Boosts.

Now you may ask why you should invest in B-18 and we believe there are some really strong reasons.
- The first reason is that obviously the highest APRs will be on the Farms and Pools using B-18.
- The second reason lies in the burn mechanics of which there are many.
1. Deposit fees on the non-native LP farms used to buyback and burn B-18.
2. Deposit fees on single staking stable pools used to buyback and burn B-18.
3. Performance fees on vaults used to buyback and burn B-18.
4. Early withdrawal fees on vaults used to buyback and burn B-18.
5. 50% of the mint revenue from Cyborg Stables BNB NFT collection used to buyback and burn B-18.
6. 100% of Cyborg Stables NFT royalties used to buyback and burn B-18.
7. NFT Chests Lootbox Lottery system used to buyback and burn B-18.
All of these mechanisms added to the max capped supply of the B-18 will make it a very very deflationary token.
- The third reason lies at the end of the emissions. We will launch the BNB Cyborgs NFT collection only mintable through B-18. There will only be 150 NFTs available in the collection. Each BNB Cyborg will be backed by 1 BNB and mint price will be dependent on remaining B-18 supply. Holding B-18 could allow you to potentially earn cheaper BNB through minting the BNB Cyborg if enough B-18 has been burned.
- The last but not least reason for participating in B-18 is in the layer function. After about 1 month of B-18 emissions, the B-19 round begins which forms the next layer. The B-18/ B-19 Farms will have the highest APR.

Not only will the platform have strong tokenomics and features, but also lots of options available. Here is the list of Pools, Farms, and Safes that will be opened. In addition, Farms and Pools will also have Vault options.

Highest APR Farms
1. B-18/BUSD (Highest APR)
2. B-18/BNB

Regular Farms

Single Staking Pools
1. B-18
2. BNB
4. ETH

B-18 Safes to earn
5. DAI

As you can see in this article, this new journey for our Cyborg Stables platform onto BNB will add a ton of new features, many safe stable farming options and some new opportunities for earning even in the most bearish of market conditions. The new Pools, Farms, Vaults, and NFTs with Layer Farming and Stablecoin priorities will provide a fresh cross-chain innovation to our ever expanding features. We are implementing this new expansion in these times for the sole purpose of creating the refuge many of us look for when market corrections come.

Below is our current schedule layout and timeline for launch and implementation of features for Cyborg Stables. This is subject to adjustment and potential addition of new features over time.
1 — B-18 Presale Round A on Cronos July 6th, 2022
2 — B-18 Presale Round B on Cronos July 13th, 2022
3 — B-18 Launchpad on BNB Chain July 22nd, 2022
4 — Cyborg Stables launch and opening on BNB Chain July 25th, 2022
5 — Single Staking non-native token Pools opening August 1st, 2022
6 —Release of Lottery mechanism to burn B-18 August 8th, 2022
7 — B-19 Presale start August 15th, 2022
8 — Release Cyborg Stables NFT collection for Farm Boosting August 16th, 2022
9 —B-19 Presale end (if not completed before) August 17th, 2022
10 —B-19 LP Farms opening August 22nd, 2022





NFT-oriented DEX on Cronos Blockchain

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